WVU launches online survey for presidential search, seeks community input

West Virginia University (WVU) has initiated an online survey as part of its ongoing presidential search. Dr. Patrice Harris, Vice-Chair of the WVU Board of Governors and Chair of the Presidential Search Committee, provided an update to the University community.

In her letter, Harris emphasized the importance of community involvement in selecting the next president. A newly launched four-question survey aims to gather input on the qualities desired in the new president and the aspirations for WVU. The survey is accessible at the presidential search website.

Earlier this month, the Presidential Search Committee convened for its first meeting. The committee reviewed their responsibilities, confidentiality, and the search process phases. They also discussed the importance of listening sessions with various university constituents. “It was evident that each member believes in the mission of West Virginia University and cares very deeply about the future of the institution,” Harris wrote.

The first Listening Session with the Faculty Senate Leadership was conducted with the help of WittKieffer, the search firm assisting WVU. The session focused on the University’s pride points, opportunities, and the qualities faculty desire in the new president. Harris praised the honest and forward-thinking nature of the discussion.

Additional listening sessions are planned for late August and September, shortly after the fall semester begins. These sessions will offer opportunities for faculty, staff, students and alumni to participate. Details will be shared through WVU’s communication channels and the presidential search website as they become available.

For more information about the presidential search process, including updates on listening sessions, visit the presidential search website, MOUNTAINEER E-News, Unews, and the Alumni Newsletter. Questions or concerns can be directed to WVUPresident@wittkieffer.com.

“The process of selecting our next president is a monumental task. I strongly encourage Mountaineer Nation to be a part of the process,” Harris wrote, emphasizing the value of community contributions.

Dr. Patrice Harris signed off, urging the WVU community to remain engaged and help shape the University’s bright future.

For further details, visit the WVU Presidential Search website.